Child Death

Child Death

5 Million Children Die Every Year from Easily Preventable Causes.

We Don't Have to Live in a World Where so Many Lives Are Cut Short; Ended Before They Even Have a Chance to Begin.

12% of All Profits from Beyond All Horizons Will be Donated to These High-Impact Charities that are Fighting to

Eliminate Preventable Child Mortality:

Against Malaria Foundation

Malaria is an obscene stain on the history of our species - Half of everyone that has ever lived has died of malaria.

 Even in the 21st century it kills over 600,000 people annually.  Most are children under the age of 5.

The Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) provides long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) to populations at high risk of malaria.  The most effective means of preventing malaria is sleeping under a mosquito net, specifically a long-lasting insecticide treated net (LLIN). As of 2024 AMF has protected over 500 million people from malaria and other insect mediated disease.

Donate To Against Malaria Foundation Now

Helen Keller International

Vitamin A deficiency has maimed 190 million children globally.  It kills 200,000 of these children every year.

Helen Keller Intl (HKI) provides eye health programs address the major causes of blindness in the world. Its nutrition programs include vitamin A supplementation.  A single capsule of vitamin A given to children twice a year for the first five years of their lives can save their sight and prevent their death.  In 2023 HKI distributed more than 68 million capsules of vitamin A worldwide.

Donate To Helen Keller INTL Now

TB Alliance

Tuberculosis is the leading cause of infectious death in the 21st century. Every year 214,000 children die of TB.

TB Alliance is a not-for-profit product development partnership (PDP) dedicated to the discovery and development of new, faster-acting and affordable tuberculosis medicines. TB Alliance now manages the largest pipeline of new TB drugs in history.

Donate To TB Alliance Now

Iodine Global Network

Iodine deficiency is the most common cause of brain damage in newborns.  360 million children are affected globally.

The Iodine Global Network (IGN) is the leading global organization supporting the elimination of iodine deficiency, the most common cause of brain damage in newborns. IGN supports healthy iodine nutrition through a safe, effective, and affordable solution: iodized salt.

Donate To Ioidine Global Network Now
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